Lipreading Practice

"You can see how irritated people get with you, having to speak louder and repeat everything. Even Rafe gets sick of having to say everything three times."

John Simpson


NB This work could take anywhere between 2 -3 years or longer to complete if you were in a lipreading group, so don’t feel you have to rush through the work. Take your time and move on when you feel confident.

The exercises include video clips and printable written work.

They are put in suggested order of using them. I have tried to put the most visual sounds first and gradually go on to those that are not so easy to see.

First read all the background information especially “About lipreading”.

You will find there is a lot of repetition in the instructions. This is because it is hoped that you will recognise the instructions easily when you are lipreading without sound and subtitles.

I would suggest that for each sound group you look first at the sounds video.

Watch it as often as you need to and use the pause key to check. Turn off the subtitles and sound so that you really are lipreading.

You decide when you want to look at the words and written exercises but I would suggest it would be a good idea to use them as you are working on the sound recognition.

When you are ready you can lipread along with video passages clips.

In addition to this there are everyday phrases that you may wish to print off and practise. Automatic lipreading of these phrases can help in some situations.