Lipreading Practice

Under the Weather

18 May 2019

I am so sorry for the long silence. I have been very busy but also, I have had an infection and so was not feeling up to writing my blog.

I am very much better but now I have an earache. It is not continuous; rather – intermittent; but painful when it comes. Because of my friend’s problem with her cochlear implant, I went to see my Consultant this week. I had a very thorough test and thankfully, I have no problem with my cochlear implant. The problem seems to be with my jaw which moves about a bit.  I am going to investigate this now.  

The pain does not interfere with my hearing but if you have a prolonged earache, it is always best to get yourself checked by your doctor.   Yours ears are very precious!!!!  Don’t let any problems go on too long before seeking advice.

I have had another week of meetings and events and have again been so grateful to be able to hear what is going on. I still have problems with microphones if there is not a loop system, but am able to hear so much better than before.

I saw one of my lipreaders who has recently had a cochlear implant and she seems to be getting on well. That’s great news!!

Recently, I have recorded 12 new passages for more practice. They can be used for lipreading or hearing practice and should become live in the next week or two. I do hope they will be useful to anyone who uses them.

I wonder if any of you went to deaf awareness events in your areas. I was not able to do anything this year but put an article about hearing loss in my local newspaper.

More people are now able to receive cochlear implants, but I hope too, that support and training will be provided. It makes such a difference to how well you are able to make use of your hearing and the cochlear implants!

Well, have a good weekend and I’ll speak to you again soon.