Lipreading Practice

Day 4 Training

03 September 2017

Today we looked at f and v. These were very challenging.

I found this very difficult but again practise makes ........... better!

We also looked at numbers. It was so amazing how similar some of the numbers sound.  We are all different, so other people will not have the same experience as me but I found it quite difficult to distinguish between two and ten and again I coudn't hear the "ee" in three. 


After this I had to either repeat a question I was asked, or if I preferred, to give the answer. Surprisingly I did quite well at this.

Today I was not quite so tired and managed to do some ironing.


This was my last session for three weeks because both my tutor and I are away until the end of September.

I will need to listen carefully when I am with friends.  I have been wearing my processor on its own since the 29th August. I use my hearing aid only when I have taken my processor off for the day.  It has been quite a week but I feel quite pleased with myself and grateful to my tutor.